The’ Iyengar Yoga?

BKS Iyengar,en,years ago.,it,Even if you've never practiced Iyengar Yoga but you used support as a belt,it,block,it,bolster,en,cover,it,or a chair,it,You too have been touched by the legacy of Mr. Lyengar,it,Cit,en,Yogi Zain,en

Yoga is an ancient discipline revised and codified by the sage Patanjali more than 2000 anni fa.La parola “support” (from the Sanskrit) means “join”, the practice of asana (positions), the PRANAYAMA (breathing) and relaxation techniques, everything recreates the’ original harmony of each individual. The Iyengar Yoga is based on the teachings of BKS. Iyengar, a large contemporary dello Yoga Teacher. It’ a system that acts on the body, on emotions and the mind harmonizing the physical, mental and spiritual. The principle of body alignment in the asana is the foundation of the practice that leads to the physical layer to the correction of the posture of the body and the space in the joints; At the organic level to a new vigor and energy to the organs and their functions; a mental and spiritual level peculiar to the principle of’ Iyengar Yoga: action-meditation. To allow everyone to benefit from the asanas and pranayama has introduced the use of media: blankets, Brick, sing, sedie etc. The Iyengar Yoga is suitable for everyone and for all ages.

Anche se non hai mai praticato Iyengar Yoga ma hai usato un supporto come cintura, blocco, bolster, coperta… o una sedia, anche tu sei stato toccato dall’eredità del signor lyengar. Cit. Yogi Zain

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